Letter To … Alteria

Dear Alteria Woods,

You were only 21 years old. Only 21 years old when 20 police officers raided the home you were resting in, to apprehend your boyfriend’s father.  You lived only an hour and 30 minutes from where I lived, in Vero Beach, FL. In the early hours of March 19, 2017, flashbangs were thrown into the home, although the suspect had already been apprehended. Officers fired into the home, escalating the situation while they already held the man they were searching for in custody. Your boyfriend, awakened from his sleep, fired back - fired back at the people he believed to be robbers, threatening the family. Without knowledge of who had broken into the home, he had the right, under Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law, to shoot. 

You were laying on a bed. You were an innocent young woman caught in the fire of police officers who were so set on causing more damage. Wrong place, wrong time, your community echoes. You were shot ten times, with a fatal shot through your heart.

Just the night before, you held so much hope for your future - and your future was so bright. You saw a movie with your mother the night before, and you went to the fair. You were going to attend church the following morning with your boyfriend and your mother.

Alteria, you were a caring, intelligent, and a beautiful young woman. You graduated with full honors, and you proved your athletic skill through basketball and varsity cheerleading. You committed yourself to caring for others around you, including animals. You cared for and protected pugs in your community and served at your church to help those in need. You went on to attend Indian River State College in Vero Beach, FL, where you were planning to become a pharmacist. You had already attained your pharmacist technician’s license and were working while you were attending school. You worked so hard. You touched the lives of everyone around you. 

Your kindness, your deep commitment to serve, and the impact you had on others inspires me. Your life was taken much too soon. A mere month after turning 21, your life was ripped away from you due to excessive police force used in the raid.

Deputy Christopher Reeve, Deputy Patrick White, Officer Richard Sarcinello - these three officers are responsible for your death. If these three men had not abused their force and power, the situation would not have reached the extent it had. These three officers that took your life were put on paid administrative leave and were later exonerated for their crime.

Your story will continue to be told. Justice will be achieved. And you will not be forgotten. We will keep fighting for you, Alteria.


Harmony McMullen

Author: Harmony McMullen

Addressee: Alteria Woods