Beauty is an integral part of our lives. As a platform for Black girls, we want to celebrate our collective beauty and provide helpful information for Black girls navigating this sector of their lives. We want to analyze and showcase the progression of beauty standards throughout history and the ways that we have been affected by these standards, while also illustrating the ways in which we have defined beauty for ourselves. We are going to share various hair care routines, makeup tutorials, and self-care practices. We also hope to create a forum where we center Black girls’ needs in relation to cosmetics, self-love, and healing. We are here to uplift and support our Black girls and provide the necessary tools to ease the difficulties we face in these fields and create a forum of self-love and healing.


Find Black-Owned Hair Salons Across the US.

Need to find good and black-owned hair solons by you on the West Coast? Check out our Just-Us Black-Owned Hair Salons Google Map!

Need to find good and black-owned hair solons by you on the East Coast? Check out our Just-Us Black-Owned Hair Salons Google Map!

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History of Features.

Learn about the history of our features. From headwraps to waist beads to Sara Baartman.