Ayiana Davis Polen


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Ayiana Davis Polen

Content Creator: Creatives

My name is Ayiana Davis Polen and I am a scholar and artist attending Spelman College in Atlanta, GA. I am currently working towards my degree as a double major in sociology & anthropology, music (with a piano performance concentration), and a Spanish minor. I am very passionate about the history, culture, and advancement of POC communities. The mistreatment of Latino and African-American people in the U.S. is something I see every day, which is an unsettling reality. These two particular communities are two of the most intellectual and talented communities in this country, yet we are ignored by society. The desire to address this mistreatment left me passionate about social change. Being introduced to the Just-Us Initiative was very exciting because it works to promote social change for Black and Brown communities. Being able to use what I am learning in school and work alongside other Black women is extremely rewarding. I hope that this platform can change a Black girl’s life, even though she may experience chaos in the outside world.