How to Reduce Risk for

Brest Cancer.

Breast Cancer

What is it?

According to the African American Alliance for Breast Cancer, breast cancer is when abnormal cells divide to form a malignant tumor in the breast tissue. Although breast cancer remains common for all women of all ages, this disease continues to be the leading cause of cancer death for Black women. Additionally, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Black women are more likely to suffer from breast cancer because of the late detection of cancerous cells.

How can I reduce my risk?

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), to reduce the risk for breast cancer, frequent screenings via mammograms are helpful to detect cancer early to start treatments. Additionally, the African American Alliance for Breast Cancer(AAABC) recommends starting self-breast exams (SBEs) as young as age 15 to combat aggressive cancer that is more likely to affect Black women under 40. Speak to your healthcare provider to demonstrate a proper self-exam.