Featured Artist.


Gabby Clark

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Who I am.

GABE is a mixed media visual artist from DC. Her work is centered around surrealist designs that are painted in watercolor or drawn in ink/digitally. Through her colorful surreal portraits and patterns she explores themes of emotion, identity, isolation, and social reform. In her portraiture she uses highly saturated colors rather than skin tones. By doing this her work goes beyond examining skin color and focuses on the essence of our true beings.

How and why did I start creating your art?

I’ve always liked to draw and tell stories. When I was about five I would make jewelry out of Play-doh. Instead of destroying it afterward, I would put them into the sun and let them harden so they could be worn. I loved being able to wear my own creations but also being able to express myself this way.

What advice would you give to other Black women artists?

My advice to other Black female artists is to have pride in yourself and your work. Whether it be a doodle in your sketchbook or a year-long painting, take pride in all your creations. Your work is an extension of you which makes it authentic and unique to your experience. Never be afraid to share your creations, let the world hear your story.

Checkout My Work!

‘invisible women’ (2020) mixed media piece

This piece was inspired by the #SayHerName movement and was created to honor all the women who had their lives taken from them as a result of police brutality.

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‘untitled’ (2021) ink in on paper

This piece is was inspired by nature and the outdoors.

“My advice to other Black female artists is to have pride in yourself and your work.”

Gabby Clark