Letter To … Janisha

Dear Janisha Fonville,

Janisha Fonville. 20 years old. Only one year older than me, and your life taken away. Both of us are North Carolina natives, and your life was stolen from you just like they stole Breonna Taylor, Nia Wilson, Sandra Bland, Rekia Boyd, and more. Too many. To know that near my hometown and in my home state, something so awful can affect my community is heartbreaking. It isn’t fair and it’s morally unjust. This one hurt. The weight in my chest is so heavy, the weight of pain, anger, frustration, and heartbreak. I can’t even fully put it into words. When I first started to write this letter, to be honest I was stuck. I was at a loss for words. How can I put all of this pain that I feel for you, for your family, for our community, for Black women into a minute-long letter? How could I accurately describe what it means to be a Black woman in this society? How could I do more than just say your name? I’m standing here right now reading this and I’m realizing that my action doesn’t stop here at this letter, at this video, and it definitely doesn’t end today. 

Janisha, I’m so sorry. You deserved to be protected and understood. Your voice needs to be heard. That’s why I’m here today, refusing to let your story go untold. Your life was wonderful and beautiful. Your legacy lives on through all of us. I will not let your story go untold, ignored, or erased. Part of you lives in all of us. As Black women, we will stand together for you. We will not let you be forgotten, and we will continue to advocate for you, through our words, through our actions, through our love. 

You deserve justice. We’ll continue to fight for you.


Madison Griffin

Author: Madison Griffin

Addressee: Janisha Fonville