Black Girl Mental Health Resources

Need Support?

Here are some resources to help and learn more.


Black Zen

Black Zen was created to “remove any social and financial barriers that restrict black and brown communities from discovering the benefits of meditation, and to make all communities feel included and seen in the wellness space.” Through non-religious practices, the founders focused on simply sitting and intentionally quieting the mind for personal growth. The founders aim to re-frame mindsets and eradicate limiting beliefs by guiding people through meditation practices that bring positive changes in their lives.

Sisters Letter

The Sisters Letter is a website that offers guided meditations and meditation classes. Each ranges from different time frames to help different mental health issues, such as stress, anxiety, depression, etc. Each guided mediation is labeled with a description and the amount of time each one takes. They also provide tips on money, health, culture, styles, and more. 

Yoga by Biola

The creator of this youtube channel, Abiola Akanni, aimed to create a platform for “accessible yoga and enlightenment to underserved and ‘othered’ communities.” She explores yoga, chakra studies, emotional discernment, spiritual ascension, self-care, and more in her series. Abiola also has an Instagram (@yogabybiola) where she posts videos, inspirational quotes, zoom classes, and more to help guide you along your journey.

Yoga Bliss Dance

This channel is all-inclusive and teaches people how to overcome stress through spiritual practiceswith an emphasis on yoga. She also offers lessons for you to become a coach on her website ( This Yogini coaches women on conscious abundance, chakras, intuition, spirituality, meditation, affirmations, and more.

Evelyn From the Internets

Usually, Evelyn does not post content about mental health; she is a storyteller and comedian on Youtube. But she has great videos on meditation and self-care tips for when you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed. She has guided meditations, what she calls “reset routines,” and other videos that will just make you laugh.