Letter To … Sandra

Dear Sandra Bland, 

Words fail to express the pain I feel when I say your name, a name that is now emblematic of the pain and suffering that we, Black women, endure in silence. This world failed you and continues to do so years after it killed you. People tried their hardest to hold those responsible for your death accountable, including the officer that wrongfully arrested you during a pretextual traffic stop. Even after he paid for his freedom from jail, your advocates pushed for an act in your name to change police policy when dealing with those with substance abuse or mental health concerns.

But, no changed legislation, no protest, no social media post or hashtag, none of the world’s terms for justice can ever amount to the true justice that is demanded for Black death, your death.

This world only remembers that we exist when images of Black bodies are plastered on television screens, with viewers having the audacity to ask the question, “Is this America?” This has always been America. Black people were never imagined in their constructions of humanity, so why is it surprising when we witness manifestations of anti-Blackness, the very principle that this country was built upon? 

And after rendering us invisible and then only acknowledging us in relation to the fatality of having darker skin, they look for legal and extralegal reasons to justify your pain, your suffering, your death. 

I refuse to do that to you, Sandra Bland. I will not remember you only in death. I want to remember you full of breath, life, laughter, and joy. 

Your “Sandy Speaks” videos bring us one step closer to understanding who you were. A kind and animated woman, always vulnerable with people you never met about your mistakes, your struggles, and your joys. You laughed with us. You prayed for us. You gave us important pieces of advice. You spoke out against racial regimes and police brutality and informed the people about white privilege, racial unity, and more. 

These short clips of your beauty and power are acts of world making. Each video illuminates a world that you are reaching for and hoping to create alongside the people you touch through your videos. I, alongside you, imagine a world of racial unity, of vulnerability, of joy and happiness, of companionship, of support and love from all peoples for all peoples. 

Always addressing us as “kings” and “queens”, we bear witness to your royalty. 

Always educating us on the experiences of Black people, we bear witness to your intellect. 

Always praying for us, we bear witness to your love. 

Always unafraid to speak your truth, we bear witness to your humanity. 

And you will not be forgotten. We will keep fighting for you, Sandra Bland. 


Taylor Correa White

Author: Taylor Correa White

Addressee: Sandra Bland